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Summer school The theoretical lives of concepts: language and body

Enero 8, 2021 @ 09:00

The summer school is organized by the Doctoral Program in Psychology, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile, and is sponsored by the International Society for Theoretical
Psychology (ISTP), with the aim of contributing to advancing in the understanding and analysis of the effort of individuation, and the subjective experience involved in it, in its intersectional and processual dynamics.


The summer school welcomes students who are registered in doctoral programmes in psychology and social sciences who are interested in participating in the discussion either as part of the audience or as a presenter. Applications will be evaluated by the organizing committee of the summer school, according to their pertinence and overall quality. Participation in the audience of researchers and academics is also welcome.

International researchers
Rose Capdevila, Open University, UK
Alina Reznitzkaya, Montclair State University, USA
Michael Bambert, Clark University, USA.

National researchers
Nicolás Schongut, Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Caterine Galaz, Universidad de Chile
Constanza Villarroel, Universidad San Sebastián
Marcela Ruiz, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Ver programa

Queries, info and applications: doctoradopsicologia@uahurtado.cl


Transmisión por Zoom


Enero 8, 2021