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Summer school psychosocial perspectives on envolving subjetive lives: challenges of studyng the crossroads of identity, dialogue and affection

Enero 10, 2020 @ 09:30

Directed at doctoral students and researchers interested in understanding individuation and identity as a socially grounded, dialogically constituted, politically engaged, and subjectively experienced process of affective becoming, the summer school is organized by the Doctorado en Psicología, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile, and is sponsored by the International Society for Theoretical Psychology (ISTP), with the aim of contributing to advancing in the understanding and analysis of the effort of individuation, and the subjective experience involved in it, in its intersectional and processual dynamics.


Students who are registered in doctoral programmes in psychology and social sciences willing to present and discuss their work.
Students who are registered in doctoral programmes in psychology and social sciences who are interested in participating as part of the audience.
Researchers and academics who are interested in participating as part of the audience.
International academics:

Marie-Cecile Bertau, University of West Georgia, USA
Thomas Teo, Yorl University, Canada

National academics:

Alemka Tomicic, Facultad de Psicología, UDP
Beatriz Fernández, Instituto Avanzado en Educación
Antonio Stecher, Facultad de Psicología, UDP
Andrés Haye, Escuela de Psicología, PUC

Queries, info and applications: doctoradopsicologia@uahurtado.cl

7 to 10 january


Sala de Investigación Casa Esperanza Almirante Barroso 10.


Enero 10, 2020